—Evansville’s Eastland Mall no longer is owned and managed by Indianapolis-based Simon Property Group.

The mall, which opened in the early 1980s, now operates under the sole ownership of Santa Monica, Calif.-based Macerich.

Simon Property Group, Inc., and Macerich (formerly branded as The Macerich Company) had been joint owners of Eastland since 1998, according to Eastland officials. The two large companies decided in late 2011 to dissolve the partnership.

Macerich became Eastland’s sole owner effective Jan. 1, said mall officials.

Macerich and Simon have also split between them the ownership of several other malls, officials said.

Macerich officials did not return calls Wednesday.

General Growth Properties was Eastland’s original owner.

Macerich currently owns approximately 95 malls in about 20 states.

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