ANDERSON — Madison County is moving forward with a first-of-its-kind thoroughfare plan. County Engineer Jessica Bastin said Tuesday officials intend to develop a comprehensive transportation plan for the county, including bicycle and pedestrian trails.
“It will also include what county roads will look like in the future,” she said. “It will include specifications for new county roads and those created by developers.”
Bastin said the county is seeking public involvement in the development of the plan and residents are being encouraged to fill out an online survey.
The survey is at
“The purpose of the plan is to evaluate existing conditions of our transportation network,” Bastin said, “and to establish a clear vision and goals for the future.”
The county has scheduled three meetings this month in Elwood, Alexandria and Pendleton to meet with stakeholders including first responders, local elected officials, school administrators and business owners.
Bastin said a component of the thoroughfare plan is a “complete streets policy.”
She said the policy will be cohesive in planning construction of new roads and the reconstruction of current county highways.
“We are partnering with INDOT (Indiana Department of Transportation) and developers
“There will be a push for the construction of sidewalks along new county roads and in private developments,” she added.
The county has hired HWC Engineering to develop a thoroughfare plan at a cost of $159,910.
The three stakeholder meetings are set for June 27 and 28.
The first will be at 10 a.m. at the Elwood City Building on June 27 with a second on that date at 1:30 p.m. at Beulah Park in Alexandria.
The June 28 meeting will take place at the South Madison Fire Territory station in Pendleton at 2 p.m.
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