Regional Opportunity Initiatives (ROI) is conducting a crowd-sourced internet speed project. The goal of this project is to create an accurate region map of where internet service is available, where it is unavailable, and what broadband speed residents are currently receiving.

The speed test can be taken with any device that has an internet or cellular connection and takes less than one minute to complete. No personal information will be collected.

Displayed on geographic information system (GIS) layers, the speed test data pinpoints areas that are most in need of reliable, affordable access to broadband service.

This partnership is working collaboratively to broadly promote the Indiana Speed Test, a crowdsourced internet speed test created by GEO Partners LLC, a Minnesota-based company that focuses on enabling cost effective planning and deployment of broadband. GEO Partners LLC is working with other states including Minnesota, Washington, Maine, Kentucky, and Nebraska, as well as the nationally designated Delta Regional Authority that covers parts of eight states along the Mississippi River, to gather broadband data.

The goal for the Indiana Speed Test is to gather data in all areas of Indiana. The GEO Partners software platform and the data will be available to local governments and organized broadband groups to analyze potential solutions and aid their applications state and federal grants. It is also hoped that the Indiana Speed Test data will jumpstart efforts to plan broadband infrastructure investments.

ROI also launched an Indiana Uplands Digital Inclusion Initiative in November 2020 to advance broadband and connectivity across the Indiana Uplands. Every analysis conducted by ROI in the last five years has indicated that addressing broadband and connectivity is essential to the upward trajectory of the Indiana Uplands region. While progress has been made through initiatives like Indiana’s Next Level Connections Initiative, geographies across the region suffer from limited access and quality. ROI’s Digital Inclusion Initiative is intended to help identify the information necessary for counties, communities, and the region to accelerate efforts to achieve the digital resources, sometimes referred to as digital capital, necessary for regional prosperity and economic competitiveness.

Read more about ROI’s Digital Inclusion Initiative:

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