INDIANAPOLIS – A plan to move away from an elected state schools chief is proving a heavy lift for the Republican-dominated legislature this year.

A bill that would change the office to a gubernatorial appointment was surprisingly defeated last week in the Indiana Senate.

But the issue is far from resolved – including a debate about who should make the decision.

Senate President Pro Tem David Long, R-Fort Wayne, said small changes to the bill would make it eligible to be heard again this session in that chamber.

“The question really is whether our caucus wants to go through that process or not,” he said.

He noted that the defeat was a shock to the GOP chamber – with 17 Republicans joining Democrats in opposition. The author had not discussed it in caucus, nor taken a head count. And several members changed their votes from committee.

It’s an important bill to Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb and GOP House Speaker Brian Bosma, who is carrying the legislation personally.

“Sometimes you need to remind everyone, one – it’s an issue for our governor and we want to be supportive of that. Two – if people were on the fence either way that should tip you in that direction. And three, we want to stick together and move an agenda,” Long said.

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