“Sacrifice, which is the passion of great souls, has never been the law of societies.”— Henri Amiel

Last week former Congressman Baron Hill and former State Rep. Peggy Welch journeyed to Capitol Hill to emphasize the importance of confronting America’s unsustainable national debt as representatives of the Indiana Chapter of the Campaign to Fix the Debt.

The Hoosier Democrats met with members of an Indiana delegation that including Sen. Joe Donnelly.

The officials discussed the necessity of a comprehensive, bipartisan solution to the nation’s long-term fiscal imbalance, and noted current political and economic uncertainties are keeping both Indiana and other states from coast to coast from returning to a more productive financial climate.

“The meetings I had on Capitol Hill were very telling,” Hill said. “While dysfunction is certainly high and clearly visible, I am pleased to say the Indiana delegation understands the urgency of fixing our dire fiscal situation and the need to put in place long-term reforms. It is now their job to act on this and do what is right for our nation and that is why I am here — to tell them as much.”

Campaign to Fix the Debt, a national, nonprofit organization designed to get elected officials to confront the national debt, sponsored the visit by Hill and Welch.

The organization’s lofty aims are to improve efficiency and limit future costs in the health-care system; strengthen Social Security so it can remain solvent into the future; and champion comprehensive and pro-growth tax reform that will lower rates, generate revenue, and reduce the deficit.

Though Hill, Welch and their Campaign to Fix the Debt cohorts are conveying the appropriate message, Washington woefully lacks that sense of urgency required to rescue our children from a mounting mountain of debt.

At this point, words are not sufficient. Immediate action is needed to remedy our shameful spending addiction.

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