For a state that lays claim to being a leader in education reform, it sure has a funny way of showing it when it comes to science education.

Last year, Sen. Dennis Kruse, chairman of the Indiana Senate’s education committee, made considerable headway with a bill that would have given local schools the option to include the teaching of creationism in with the science curriculum.

One problem with that: The courts have ruled that creationism equals religion. More specifically, it attempts to undercut teaching about evolution through a particular religion — and arguably a small portion of Christianity, at that.

Kruse’s bill, Senate Bill 89, fell by the wayside. But he promises he’ll be back in 2013 with a twist. Last week, Kruse said his bill is still being drafted. But as he told the J&C in November, the measure will be modeled off legislation the Discovery Institute helped draft for laws in place in Louisiana and Tennessee.

READ THE LAW: Here’s a look at the academic freedom law in Tennessee.
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