Independent (in-di-pen-duh nt) has a variety of meanings, according to the online dictionaries we surveyed and, presumably, according to any tests that our schoolchildren might take.

Here are three:

1. not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself: an independent thinker.

2. not subject to another's authority or jurisdiction; autonomous; free: an independent businessman.

3 not influenced by the thought or action of others: independent research.

This lesson comes in the wake of news that "independent" consultants, hired to examine Indiana's latest attempt at testing standards in our schools, had their report edited with "suggestions" made by John Snethen, the executive director of the Indiana State Board of Education.

As first reported by Brian Slodysko of The Associated Press, Snethen offered 92 deletions, revisions and comments to the report, which has yet to be released to the public. Apparently the contractors took Snethen's suggestions to heart, with criticisms of the process softened in what appears to be the final draft.

As Suess Kennedy, a professor of public policy at IUPUI, said, "The board principle here is that, if you are to retain academic integrity, you do not submit your findings for editing."

Why the State Board of Education did not understand such a simple principle, and why its leaders would choose to further muddy the already dark waters surrounding testing, has not been explained. Snethen did not comment, and a SBOE spokesman insisted that "any suggested edits to the executive summary were added to make a very difficult and technical report more easily understood."

We don't know about you, but we followed along well when the consultants first said, "It is safe to say that the 2015 ISTEP+ program is a work in progress, put in place quickly and without the usual procedures (e.g., field testing) used with most new assessment programs."

Snethen responded: "Why is it safe to say this? This is an example of a statement that could raise concern."

Yet isn't raising concern the very reason "independent" experts were hired? Shouldn't SBOE be more concerned with fixing the problem than with its own reputation, which is only growing worse? And why would Gov. Mike Pence, while saying that he had not viewed the report or its edits, express "confidence" in the process?

Here's another word we found in our dictionary search: Incorrect (in-kuh-rekt).

1. not correct as to fact; inaccurate; wrong: an incorrect statement.

2. improper, unbecoming, or inappropriate: incorrect behavior; incorrect attire.

3. not correct in form, use, or manner: an incorrect copy.

That defines this situation, too.

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