This fall, Indiana deer hunters for the first time will be allowed to use high-powered rifles like the ones displayed at Midwest Gun Exchange in Mishawaka. Tribune Photo/BECKY MALEWITZ
This fall, Indiana deer hunters for the first time will be allowed to use high-powered rifles like the ones displayed at Midwest Gun Exchange in Mishawaka. Tribune Photo/BECKY MALEWITZ
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence has signed into law a bill that critics say will endanger hunters and suburbanites, and possibly cut too deeply into the state's deer herd.

When deer firearms season opens for two weeks in November, hunters for the first time will be allowed to use high-powered rifles when hunting on privately owned property. Historically most Indiana deer hunters have used shotguns since the only other types of allowable long arms were muzzle loaders or rifles that fire handgun-caliber bullets.

The Indiana Department of Natural Resources last year considered making the change but decided against it after hearing heavy opposition from the public, including many hunters.

“We now have the legislature micromanaging the DNR and wildlife management and hunting methods,” said Doug Allman, spokesman for the Indiana Deer Hunters Association. “What’s next, fishing lures?”

Allman said today’s high-powered rifles can hit a deer from a half-mile away, “and if you miss, that bullet is still going.” That situation becomes increasingly dangerous as land development pushes hunters closer to highly populated suburbs.

“Rifles are allowed to be used for some animals in this state but you don’t have 250,000 hunters out there on opening weekend (of deer firearms season) shooting, sometimes at running animals,” Allman said.

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