INDIANAPOLIS — Uncertainty over the policies set to be crafted in the next 10 weeks hung Tuesday like an ominous cloud over the otherwise cheerful return of Hoosier lawmakers to the Statehouse.

Amid the friendly back slaps, hugs and handshakes — on the day when some 300 pre-filed legislative proposals officially became eligible for action — were heard plaintive whispers about civil rights and tax hikes and guns and bathrooms.

Even on issues that lawmakers admit need attention, such as road funding, agreement appears to be a long way off.

For example, House Republicans still intend to advance a comprehensive roads plan that includes "revenue enhancements." Senate Republicans and Republican Gov. Mike Pence said they favor spending one-time reserve funds and postponing debate on any long-term plan until after the November elections.

House Speaker Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, said it's not in the state's best interest to continue kicking the infrastructure can down the road.

"But I've acknowledged from the start that it's an election year and a short session and it will be difficult to convince everyone that it's time to make some of those investments now," Bosma said. "We're going to continue the adult conversation on it with all interested parties and see where we can go."

Across the rotunda, Senate President David Long, R-Fort Wayne, seemed to dismiss the idea that his caucus might vote for a tax increase.

"It's a discussion we need to have, we don't deny that at all," Long said. "Whether it's this year or next year will be the debate."

Senate Republicans did endorse spending $418 million in surplus funds on local roads as part of their legislative agenda.

They also plan to champion tougher penalties for drug dealers, $42 million in additional funding for Pence's Regional Cities Initiatve program, expanded eligibility for a state veterans benefit, property tax cuts for farmers and a small increase in the maximum medial malpractice award.

Long said GOP senators "are all over the place" on whether to extend civil rights protections to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Hoosiers, so that topic did not make the agenda. Though it will be debated, he promised.

"It is an important issue, we don't deny that, and we'll be discussing it here in the Senate," Long said.

One ray of consensus did manage to burst through the cloud of uncertainty.

Republicans and Democrats in both the House and Senate agreed to fast-track "hold harmless" proposals ensuring that poor student results on the 2015 ISTEP standardized test do not negatively affect A-F school grades or teacher performance pay.

Bosma said he anticipates that legislation will be on the governor's desk before the end of the month.

In the wake of the ISTEP fiasco, House Democratic Leader Scott Pelath, D-Michigan City, called Tuesday for a moratorium on education reform to give teachers, students and parents a break from near-constant changes in academic standards, tests and requirements.

He also urged the Republican-controlled Legislature to add "sexual orientation, gender identity" to the list of protected classes under Indiana's civil rights laws, if for no other reason than to finally get Indiana past the lingering economic and reputational damage tied to last year's "religious freedom" controversy.

"If you're unsure that it's the right thing to do, at least embrace an end to the whole thing," Pelath said.

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