HUNTINGTON COUNTY — A public hearing is scheduled about an ordinance geared toward banning solar farms in Huntington County.

The Huntington County Plan Commission and its town plan commissions from Andrews, Markel, Roanoke and Warren are slated to meet with its County Commission for the hearing at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 12 in the Huntington County Courthouse, according to a legal announcement about the Huntington Unified Development Ordinance for zoning.

In April, the County Commissioners listened to residents, farmers and those in farming industries talk about using the sun to produce energy.

In May, the commissioners approved a resolution to stop solar development projects to learn more about how solar farms affects its residents after meetings and discussions and then revise the ordinance.

One argument was that a solar farm project called Paddlefish Solar was a commercial venture because it was partially located in Wells County and partially crossed over into Huntington County’s Salamonie Township.

Another project called Bowfin in Huntington County’s Union Township is in exploratory stages. It resulted in various complaints by local residents, neighbors adjacent to the solar fields and those in farming industries.

EDF Renewables had approached the farmers to lease their land that is zoned agricultural to install solar array panels to create energy to add to the electrical energy grid.

Since then, the county received the proposed ordinance that would amend and repeal portions of Chapters 1 and 2 for “Solar Energy System” standards:

• In chapter 1, it prohibits a solar energy system in all zoning districts.
• In chapter 2, it proposes to remove language allowing solar projects in an agricultural district, open space, utility service structure, station and yards.
• In chapter 6, it defines “solar energy system” as “any free-standing solar array or solar arrays that have a combined nameplate power rated capacity of more than 20 kW of peak generating capacity” and deletes the medium and large systems.

The public’s written and oral objections to the amendment will be considered and filed with the Huntington Department of Community Development at the Huntington County Courthouse where they can also read a copy of the ordinance.
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