Are you like me? Overwhelmed (sometimes) by all that has happened this year?

It seems like yesterday (and eons ago), there was a presidential impeachment, followed by a pandemic, followed by a recession followed by social unrest — all leading up to an election seemingly destined to be another “once in a hundred years” event when we might not know “who won” for days or weeks.

Amidst the sturm and drang of 2020, we still have work to do, while keeping our organizations and businesses afloat and our families healthy and intact. Some of the work I keep doing is tracking trends in the numbers — about people and their work, industry and jobs, along with many other metrics that tell the stories of our multifaceted regions in Indiana.

Much of the data we use for our research and digital tools is public data, from a variety of federal, state and local sources. One of the foundational sources has long been the census of population and housing — an actual count, or enumeration as it’s called within the halls of the Census Bureau, of every person living in the United States.

The pandemic has affected nearly every aspect of life and work — and the once-every-10-years count of people (the census), which coincided with the pandemic was not spared. Census operations were paused for a considerable time in the spring, while thousands of community events to “get out the count” were canceled and the training of new workers for door-to-door operations was postponed. The U.S. Census Bureau modified its timeline to account for this lost time, extending the deadline to respond for all of us procrastinators and then extended time for knocking on doors to get us to respond. Sounds reasonable, right?

Well, maybe not. By early August, the Census Bureau announced it would cut short the door-knocking operations. For all us folks who read this daily newspaper, you know the U.S. Census Bureau has been in the news these because it is now defending that early stop decision in federal court to block that early quit date and to revert to its earlier “modified for the pandemic” timeline that allows for another month of census taking. There has been a decision by the court, but there is continued courtroom wrangling.

So what does this mean for us, here in Monroe County? Our 2020 projections for Monroe County pegged it at 150,000. Our estimates for 2019 show 148,000 — but we don’t know what the ground truth is — yet. A big issue will be whether or not the full-time student population might be undercounted (although Indiana University has worked hard to get students to respond), especially because of the pandemic disruption.

There will be concerns about the accuracy of the count. And that accuracy question is going to affect how we use the data, for local government planning and funding, for federal and state appropriations to our cities and towns and counties, for our schools, roads, highways and public safety. It will affect the ways in which businesses use these data to understand their customers, make decisions about their customers.

Is it too low? Who did we miss, since this affects rural areas as much as urban ones? Can we “adjust” it to what we think it should be? The Constitution requires a count, not an estimate or a statistically enhanced result (see Supreme Court case in 1998). We need precision answers about many of us are living here, eating here, shopping here, driving the roads and, yes, voting here.

I am often asked why full-time students are counted in Bloomington and not where their “home” is. Or why snowbirds living in Florida over the winter should be counted here if they happen to be in Florida when the count begins. But that count must reflect where people live most of the year. And I sometimes answer it in a bit of an eyebrow raising way: We need to know where the toilets are being flushed.
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