The U.S. Department of Energy announced its official stimulus numbers Thursday, with $5.3 million coming directly to Northwest Indiana communities and more than $240 million coming to the state overall.

The $5.3 million is for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program, which is distributed directly to counties and municipalities. The money can be used toward a variety of energy-saving programs, including energy audits, energy efficiency improvements in residential and commercial buildings, renewable energy technology in government buildings, and energy efficient street lights.

Under the block grant program, Lake County will receive nearly $3 million, Gary more than $900,000, Hammond more than $700,000, Porter County more than $500,000, and Portage more than $150,000.

The block grant funding is part of a bigger $3.2 billion of energy efficiency spending contained in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, announced today by Vice President Joe Biden.

In additional to the block grant funding, Indiana will receive $132 million for home weatherization to be distributed across the state, and nearly $69 million for its state energy program.

Gov. Mitch Daniels announced last week that the $132 million for home weatherization should create at least 2,300 jobs in the state, 300 for energy assessment workers and 2,000 for contractors to do the home upgrades.

Local municipalities will be required to report any jobs created or retained as a result of the block grant funding.

"These grants will not only help Northwest Indiana play its role in solving the energy crisis, but create jobs and lay the foundation for a new green economy," said Rep. Peter Visclosky, D-Merrillville.

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