ELKHART — The new Elkhart Health, Fitness, Aquatics and Community Center is expected to have an annual impact of over $4.7 million, according to project leaders. 

The $65 million, 170,000-square-foot facility is expected to draw in over 35,000 people each year through memberships, community events and athletic competitions by year three, according to conservative estimates. The impact this project will have on the community at-large is immense, said Elkhart Mayor Tim Neese. 

"This project is going to transform the city," he said. "It will have a trickle down affect that will draw in five-star hotels and restaurants."

He said residents of Elkhart will receive the opportunity to use a world-class facility and have access to various amenities that would not have come to town without the project. 

Pete McCown, president of the Community Foundation of Elkhart County, a partner in the project, echoed those thoughts. 

"When businesses realize that we are drawing in between 35,000 and 50,000 visitors on an annual basis, half of them staying overnight, you will begin to attract hotels and places like Chipotle and Panera Bread," he said. "This will give developers a reason to build here and it will spur development throughout the city."

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