Wind energy (Photo: File photo/Journal & Courier)
LAFAYETTE – As protests mounted
Monday about the message being sent to the rest of Indiana and world
about Tippecanoe County’s commitment to green energy, the biggest
turbines and commercial wind farms were banned from rural land around
Lafayette and West Lafayette.
County commissioners – arguing that a growing county couldn’t afford to
hamstring other kinds of development with long-term leases tying up
tens of thousands of acres around Lafayette and West Lafayette – voted
3-0 for a zoning ordinance that prohibits wind turbines taller 140 feet.
would leave the possibility for smaller turbines, similar to ones that
power CityBus offices along Canal Road north of downtown Lafayette. But
it effectively shut out commercial turbines, which can range from 300
feet to as much as 600 feet, for newer models, as seen in neighboring
Benton and White counties.
ordinance, driven by several dozen residents primarily in the southern
part of the county, has been in the works for several months. In April,
the Tippecanoe County Area Plan Commission – a body made up of
representatives from government bodies in Lafayette, West Lafayette,
Tippecanoe County and three towns in the county – recommended the
language in an 11-4 vote.
night in April, though, a number of people told APC members that the
county was making a mistake by shunning renewable energy and essentially
casting a vote for the coal and fossil fuel industries.
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