Zachary Schmitz is a sophomore music major at the University of Evansville. Schmitz is considering a transfer after UE President Christopher Pietruszkiewicz’s announcement of a plan that would eliminate 17 majors and lead to the departure of a quarter of the faculty. Staff photo by MaCabe Brown
Zachary Schmitz is a sophomore music major at the University of Evansville. Schmitz is considering a transfer after UE President Christopher Pietruszkiewicz’s announcement of a plan that would eliminate 17 majors and lead to the departure of a quarter of the faculty. Staff photo by MaCabe Brown
EVANSVILLE — Zachary Schmitz loves the University of Evansville.

The sophomore music major was excited to stay in Evansville and work in local schools starting in his first semester, an opportunity he said students at other colleges must often wait to experience.

But despite his satisfaction with his program, Schmitz is thinking about transferring to another university. He's already started working on applications.

His major is one of 17 the school has proposed cutting as part of its "draft academic realignment plan." The entire music department would be shuttered. The stated aim of the plan is to put the university on stable financial footing and allow it to invest its resources in areas with high-growth potential, but the proposal has left students in the affected majors with a sense of uncertainty about their own futures.

More: University of Evansville admin proposes cutting quarter of the faculty, nixing 17 majors

More: Q&A with University of Evansville president on proposed job, program cuts

Students say they've been told they can graduate in their chosen major but not how that would work. Some aren't even sure if they'd want to stay if the changes go through.

Schmitz said he felt awful when he heard the news: awful for the professors, his fellow students and the community as a whole which benefits from UE's music program.

More: Alumni: Cutting University of Evansville music department would have long-lasting effects

"It just really hurts me to know that many of the things that were fundamental for me in my music education may not be able to be students after me," he said.

But he's also worried for himself. He shares the same concern as other underclassmen at UE, who will still be students in the fall 2022 semester when the academic changes would go into effect.

Schmitz said he's waiting for the plan to be finalized before he makes any decision about leaving. The plan is slated to be finalized early next year and will likely go before the Board of Trustees for a vote in February. If he chooses to leave, however, he needs to apply now to make sure he can schedule his auditions for the new year.

He isn't the only one thinking of leaving.

"It's sad but true," said Madelynn Filson, a sophomore music performance major concentrating in voice.

Filson has built a life up for her at UE, where she said she enjoys the opportunities studying in a small program afford her. She said it felt like everything she worked for had disappeared in a single, shocking moment.

"I go to school here," she said. "I'm part of a sorority. I have a friend group. I live with an amazing roommate. Everything just kind of fell apart for me."

She's worried that, if the cuts are approved, she won't receive the same quality education.

"I will put my heart and soul and do whatever I can possibly do to save my university, no matter what, but above all, I will not sacrifice a quality education because the university does not know how to budget their money," she said.

The university has assured current students they'll be able to finish their programs, but all four students interviewed for this story said they haven't said much else.

"Nope. Absolutely not," Filson said. "There has been no information whatsoever released to the public. Transparency has not been given whatsoever."

"Really, the only thing I know so far is which majors will be cut, and which departments, and that's really about it," said Luke Robertson, a freshman music education major.

"They've said you can finish your programs," Schmitz said. "That's about the extent of what we know...I talked to a couple professors, and they really don't have much more information than we do. That just seems unacceptable to me."

More: Trustees quiet on draft plan for massive cuts to University of Evansville faculty, majors

More: University of Evansville Faculty Senate votes 'no confidence' in proposed cuts

The first and foremost concern the students raised is the logistics of finishing their studies, which they said has never been explained to them.

Around 35 to 40 faculty would be cut under the proposal. Faculty taking buyouts would leave at the end of the spring semester. The others would be forced out in 18 months, but it's possible many could leave well before then for a stable job elsewhere.

The university has previously told the Courier & Press the school may rely on adjunct and part-time instructors to round out gaps in students' programs. Some students, however, expressed concern that attracting high-quality instructors would even be possible.

Steven Engel, a freshman computer engineering major, is worried his program could lose accreditation because of the lost faculty.

"It's logical that when the professors are let go, who's going to teach us?" said Engel, whose entire department would be cut under the plan. He said he hopes to start his sophomore year at a different university if the changes go through.

Another concern was about extracurriculars related to their majors.

"By my senior year, the ensembles will basically be non-existent," Schmitz said. "I won't get to perform with an orchestra and a wind ensemble regularly, and that's a huge loss of performance time, experience that's important for music education."

Daniel Byrne, associate history professor and vice-president of the school's AAUP chapter, said the administration hasn't done a good job communicating with students or faculty.

"That's a recipe for disaster," he said.

In a statement, a university spokeswoman said students received the same information as other "constituencies," along with a follow-up message reiterating that all students can graduate in their majors.

"We will host a Zoom session in early January to gain additional student feedback and input about the proposal," the statement concluded. "This plan is still not yet final."

The university administration acknowledged that some students may want to leave the school if the proposal is approved.

"We discussed the possibility that some students may be adversely impacted by these changes and may decide to transfer," Interim Vice President for Marketing and Enrollment Jill Griffin said, "but overall we anticipate...that the reductions of these programs, the programs we've proposed, will allow us to be stronger in the future and will allow us to continue to do the things that we do really well."

Joyce Stamm, a biology professor and vice president of the UE chapter of the American Association of University Presidents, said the programs the university has proposed to cut are doing "really well."

"And now they are gone," she said. "I think they're being willfully ignorant and naïve about the impact that this exodus will have on our revenue."

Stamm said the faculty should have been involved in drafting these plans. They could've told the university that, should the proposed cuts go into effect, students will be driven away.

"We know their interests, their goals, their dreams, their desires," she said. "We know these things, and we could have told them that cutting these programs was going to be a big problem because students will leave, but they didn't involve us."

Byrne said three of his students have approached him about leaving the school. That's a sizeable chunk of the history program, which graduates five or six students each year.

"I'm pretty sure we'll get the juniors and seniors out, but I don't know about the freshmen and sophomores. We're going to try, but...," he said, his voice trailing off.

Byrne said this isn't the first time cuts have pushed students away. In the spring of 2019, he said, the university let go of around two dozen non-tenured instructors, including the one who taught the special education program. Around 20 students in that program transferred to other schools, according to Byrne, and the school's overall retention rate dropped.

When asked to confirm the last year's faculty cuts, a university spokeswoman wouldn't answer the question, writing, "UE has made continual adjustments over the course of the last few years." She provided the retention rates over the past four years, which show a three percentage point drop between fall 2018 and fall 2019, from 86% to 83.1%. That number rebounded to 87.2% for fall 2020.

"These are very good retention rates compared to the national average (and USI)," the spokeswoman wrote.

None of the students interviewed for this story said they're definitively leaving UE. They love the school and are waiting to see if the current plan is approved.

But, some think, it doesn't hurt to start looking into other options.

"I've honestly been doing a little research on where I can transfer already, but I would like to wait it out," Engel said. "I'm committed to Evansville. I hope that this plan doesn't go forward and that we can keep our majors in place and finish them here, but if we can't, I should have a back-up plan."

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