A review of tax abatement documents in the county show most of the companies receiving them are doing well.

The Daviess County Council review of CF-1 statements (state documents that provide updates on how well a company is complying with the promises they made when receiving a tax abatement) shows nearly all of the companies in compliance, meeting their projections for employment and salaries.

“All of the companies have added jobs and salaries,” said President of the Daviess County Council Tom Schaffer. “We only have one that is not meeting expectations. That is a warehouse at Crane (Melrose Westgate Holdings). Overall, the rest are doing great business. Pliant and GPC are doing well.”

One project having trouble getting off the ground is WestGate One. The planned chip plant involving four companies is tied to federal funding that does not seem to be showing up.

“That project is relying on federal funding from the CHIPS Act and that money does not appear to be heading to those businesses,” said Schaffer. “We are still hopeful that something can work up there. Strongbox (a developer working at Westgate) has taken an option on additional land and we expect other things to start happening pretty quick up there.”
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