In one form or another, the News and Tribune has been Clark and Floyd county’s reliable and trusted news source for almost 170 years. The current coronavirus crisis coverage has underscored the importance of our mission to provide you information you want and need. Many of you have expressed your appreciation — and for that we are grateful.

However, the sudden loss of advertising business has added to what already had been a newspaper industry under duress, causing us to restructure our resources so we can continue to serve this region well into the future.

Effective next week, the News and Tribune will begin a five-day-a-week publishing schedule by discontinuing the Monday newspaper. We will continue publication and delivery to subscribers and newsstands Tuesday through Saturday.

As a newspaper subscriber, you will still have access to our complete local news, features and sports content on our website ( every day of the week. If you have not activated your digital access account, we encourage you to do so. If you need assistance, call us at 812-206-2109. Or go directly to

Readership changes, newsprint prices, print production expenses and delivery costs have resulted in many community newspapers publishing fewer days of the week to remain economically healthy.

The virus crisis has had a significant impact on the News and Tribune because most of our revenue comes from advertising by local businesses, which are also suffering at this difficult time.

Yet we have been making our virus coverage available to everyone in the region on our website. The result is record digital traffic that has inspired our staff. If you are not a subscriber, please consider becoming one to support our journalism. Call us at 812-206-2109 and we will get you set up promptly.

We thank our subscribers and advertisers for their support over the years. It matters to us now more than ever.

If you have questions about our changes, please email me at Or call 812-206-2134.

This is a remarkable community with people who truly care about it. We pray everybody is well and safe.
© 2025 Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc.