Ninety percent of Hoosiers think there is a crisis regarding property taxes, according to a recent poll conducted by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce.

Among the issues identified by the survey:

� There is a perception that there is a property-tax crisis, and respondents want action.

� Respondents believe market value is the correct assessment standard, but they think the system is broken.

� They are looking to the General Assembly and governor to remedy the problems.

� They want government spending to be controlled and reduced versus adding more taxes of any kind to offset the spending.

� They want local government to be overhauled

Of the 800 respondents, 47 percent identified themselves as Republicans and 38 percent said they were Democrats. Thirty-eight percent were 60 years or older; 36 percent were between ages 45-59; 21 percent were between ages 30-44; and 5 percent were between ages 18-29. In addition, 51 percent of the respondents were women, and 49 percent were men.
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