Bettina Puckett, Shelbyville News Staff Writer

Indiana Department of Local Government Finance Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave is expected to announce at 1 p.m. today that Shelby County is being added to a list of counties being targeted for reassessment.

"It will be announced that Shelby County will be ordered to have a reassessment," said Shelby County Assessor Lynn Bass, who met with the DLGF on Wednesday. "The reason for the reassessment is because we do not meet state requirements."

State officials already have targeted five other counties for possible reassessments because of the lack of change in values in a large percentage of commercial and industrial properties.

Bass made the trip to the Statehouse with Shelby County Auditor Amy Glackman; Margaret Brunk, auditor before Glackman and who now serves on the Shelby County Council; and Terry Smith, president of the Shelby County Council.

"I'm asking that the public please be patient and allow us to work through this and get all of the answers to them," Bass said.

On Tuesday night, Bass gave the county council a property tax update. She said that when she took office, she inherited a total of nine noncompliant issues. Bass has worked on the problems, and Shelby County is now noncompliant with just one issue - the 2004 property taxes, which were paid in 2005.

"I have battled and battled and battled," Bass told the council members.

Bass said her staff had problems with a computer glitch that have made it impossible to give DLGF staff members the information they requested.

"I hope (the state) can come up with a happy medium," Bass said. "It's nothing that we can give them an answer to ... It has something to do with old map numbers that no longer exist."