Joseph Malan, The News-Dispatch

MICHIGAN CITY - Seventy employees at Sanlo Inc. of Michigan City were notified Friday the company will permanently shut its doors in early 2010.

Until then, employees will be systematically laid off as product lines are moved to upstate New York and China.

The changes were confirmed Monday by The News-Dispatch.

"We made the announcement to employees on Friday that due to the unprecedented economic downturn and what we're seeing in Sanlo's end market, we made the decision to consolidate activity at the Michigan City facility to other Actuant facilities," said Karen Bauer, spokesperson for Actuant Corp. the parent company of Sanlo.

The plant, located on Indiana 212, manufactures products such as wire rope and aircraft cable, vinyl and nylon coated cable and wire rope, and wire rope and cable fittings.

Bauer said that of the 70 positions at Sanlo, 50 are hourly and 20 are salary positions. Of the 20 salary positions, some are office positions. She wouldn't disclose hourly rates or salaries of the employees.

John Regetz, executive director of the Michigan City Economic Development Corp., said he is disappointed to see Sanlo take its operations elsewhere.

"Of course we're saddened and it's discouraging when we have plants closing," Regetz said.

Regetz said the MCEDC visited the facility last September, after Actuant purchased the company from The Cortland Companies. Regetz said at the time, Actuant told him the facility would stay in Michigan City.

"But, the economy has obviously changed since that time," he said.

Regetz said he is already making preparations to market the facility once Sanlo moves out. He's also ready to collaborate with WorkOne in a program that will give those laid off an opportunity to maintain their skills and look for other places to employ those skills.
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