By Dan Shaw, Evansville Courier & Press

- With Indiana officials considering allowing land-based casinos, officials with Evansville's Casino Aztar are looking at moving their business ashore.

Tom Dingman, an "attorney-in-fact" managing Aztar, said he and others have begun working on a plan that considers moving the casino off its Ohio River riverboat and placing it inside a building. Doing so would eliminate many costs associated with running and maintaining a boat and allow Aztar to be closer to nearby restaurants, hotels and other attractions, he said.

Most importantly, it could make the casino a stronger competitor against Kentucky horse tracks should they ever be allowed to have slot machines.

"It's well known that customers have a perception of boats as second class when they are compared to land-based casinos," Dingman said.

Dingman said the plans don't contain a great amount of detail. He was unsure where Casino Aztar would be if it were moved to land.

Aztar is one of 10 casinos in Indiana that state law requires to be on the water. Recently, two of them - Majestic Star I and II in Gary - have sought permission to move ashore.

State legislators on a gaming-study committee are meeting Monday to consider amending the rules. Proponents of gambling on land can point to at least two precedents.

Since 2008, horse tracks in Anderson and near Indianapolis have let patrons place bets at slot machines. Seeing the money brought in at those tracks, some in Kentucky are eager for their state's tracks to enjoy the same advantage.

So far, any move in that direction has been stifled by Kentucky lawmakers, but Dingman thinks it is only a matter of time before slot machines come to Kentucky horse tracks. That change would not only entail new competition for Indiana tracks but also casinos, particularly those in the southern part of the state.

Meanwhile, a string of Casino Aztar owners recently have discussed the need to do something with the Casino Aztar boat, which opened in 1995. Several have said it should be replaced.

The current owner, Tropicana Entertainment LLC, is a showing willingness to spend money on Casino Aztar. Even though it is still in bankruptcy, Tropicana announced this week plans to buy 20 or so slot machines in October and November and replace the internal components of more than 100 others.

Dingman said it's been a long time since Aztar has made such a purchase, putting the average age of the games there at four years at least. Dingman said a new slot machine costs about $20,000.

"We are now beginning to see capital free up from Tropicana to be able to do these kinds of things," Dingman said.

Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel said the spending "bodes well for Casino Aztar and the community."

Hud Englehart, a Tropicana spokesman, said the company is waiting to obtain an Indiana gaming license so it can regain complete control of Casino Aztar and emerge from bankruptcy. Tropicana has to reapply for a license because it has severed all ties with the former owner, William J. Yung III. Yung once had a license, but regulators view Tropicana as a different company without him.

Ernie Yelton, executive director of the Indiana Gaming Commission, said the commission's next hearing is scheduled for Nov. 12. Regulators may be ready then to consider whether the new Tropicana is suited for an Indiana gaming license, he said.

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