By Robert Herrington, The Noblesville Times Managing Editor

Current economic concerns and an unknown financial future caused the Noblesville School Board to unanimously vote in favor of a pay freeze for the 2010 calendar year. More than 500 Noblesville Schools employees will be affected by the decision.

The pay freeze impacts classified staff members which include all district positions except teachers and administrators - bus drivers, nurses, secretaries, custodial staff, cafeteria workers and instructional assistants.

Noblesville Schools Superintendent Libbie Conner said the district is negotiating this year's teacher's contract and teachers are working under the same contract as last school year. If any raises were to occur, Conner said they would be paid retroactively.

Unlike classified staff members, teacher contract's run from August to July. Conner said the district has halted negotiation talks until it better understands the funding it will receive for the 2010-2011 school year, which is likely to be cut by 3 percent by Governor Mitch Daniels.

"We cannot commit additional funds to salaries," said Conner. "We're not talking about dollars until we know more from the government."
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