Stephen Bogdanowicz (left) and Dan Moeller are juniors at Purdue University, which puts them in one of the most difficult groups of people for census takers to find. Bogdanowicz, a Virginia native, says he's a resident there, he votes there and so he'd prefer to be counted as a Virginian. By John Terhune/Journal & Courier

By Dorothy Schneider, Journal & Courier

Stephen Bogdanowicz lives in West Lafayette but considers Virginia home.

When the 2010 U.S. Census forms are mailed out next spring he's likely to have his parents count him as still being a resident at his childhood home, not in Tippecanoe County.

"I'm a resident there. That's where I vote," Bogdanowicz said. "After four years here, I'm gone."

But local volunteers for the Greater Lafayette Area Complete Count Committee hope to reach out to Bogdanowicz and roughly 40,000 other Purdue University students in the next few months and change that mindset.

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