When Hallador Energy announced it was permanently closing its Sunrise Coal mining operation at Carlisle on Tuesday, the news evoked a wide range of emotions throughout Sullivan County.

Optimism had been uplifted when the mine had reopened in July 2018, then were approved by the Sullivan County Council on a 5-year property tax abatement for a planned $30 million equipment expansion.

But then the bottom dropped out, the first being news the mine was to be temporarily idled on Jan. 20, then the worst-case scenario for its 90 full-time employees on Tuesday.

Sullivan Mayor Clint Lamb was quick to respond on the City of Sullivan’s Facebook page late Tuesday night.

“First and foremost, our thoughts go to the workers and families of the Sunrise Coal Co. We’ve known for some time that our state, nation and the entire world have been looking at alternative energy sources. Having said that, it’s hard to wake up to news that impacts people you know and care about. The folks of Hoosier Energy, Merom Generating Station, and now Sunrise Coal, make up much of our community’s economic foundation. We mourn together the loss of their collective economic impact to our city, county, school corporation and our entire region. As Mayor of the City of Sullivan, I feel the devastation of these families and I take it personal. Therefore, we're not giving up on them. Our administration has already spent much of the day working with leaders in our community and region to develop a plan of action. We will be presenting a plan soon that will include county, state, economic and regional partners to help these families find not just hope, but a plan to move forward. The City of Sullivan and our entire community is a special place and we will come together and continue to do great things. It will be during this time that our coalition will persevere, and I truly believe that Sullivan's best days are ahead.”

Sullivan County Redevelopment Commission director Deann Talley mentioned commissioners’ president Bob Davis’ heartfelt comments on WTWO-TV this week during their meeting on Wednesday.

“I’m trying to figure out how to explain to everybody what’s going to happen next,” he said. “I mean, I feel like a lot of the world has turned against coal. We’re not a real high population county, about 22,000, and I’m worried that that could make it even worse.”

Davis remains hopeful good jobs news is coming.

“That’s my full hope. People are always talking to our economic redevelopment director about different possibilities. We have to keep it positive.”

Also in that report, Cheryl Goodman, a librarian at the Sullivan County Public Library branch in Carlisle commented, “We don’t have a lot of industry and when you take the coal mines out or the power plant out, then what do we have?

“The answer used to always be, well the coal mines. But that’s just not feasible.”

Sullivan County Commissioner John Waterman Sr., a former state senator and Sullivan County sheriff, told the Tribune-Star this week the news “could be the start of a tailspin. Devastating all around” and could impact other mine-related jobs.

Jim Exline, president of the Sullivan City Redevelopment Commission, told the Tribune-Star, “I think for most people in the community, it wasn’t unexpected. It is clear that the coal and coal-fire power plants are facing strong headwinds, not just locally, but across the globe.”

Exline said while the city has been active with new streets and trail projects, replacing the coal jobs lost will be difficult.

“It won’t be easy or done in a snap,” he noted. “I think our state officials will need to work with local officials to help mitigate the pain in the near term and what will be the economic drivers for the southwest quadrant of the state when coal is no longer a dominate factor will require thought at the state level.”

Goodman also spoke to WTHI-TV this week.

"Our state representatives and our federal representatives need to really pay attention to what’s going on in southern Indiana and Sullivan County. We really need them to come here and see what's going on because we can make phone call after phone call, which we have done, and there's nothing replaces having them actually coming here and talk to people face-to-face.”
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