During a school board work session and business meeting Wednesday, Tippecanoe School Corp. officials laid out items they say are on the table for cuts. They include:
• Reductions in force or layoffs for teachers and other staff.
• Hiring freeze for custodial staff positions, effective immediately.
• Redefining the middle school concept used, including taking away communications and foreign language classes and reducing the number of periods in a day.
• Eliminating elementary school special classes, including physical education, art, music and media or library.
• Eliminating elementary counselors and remediation.
• Reducing the number of paid extracurricular and coaching positions available at the middle school and high school levels. Both Harrison and McCutcheon high school have already been asked to cut $25,000 from extracurricular spending.
• Suspending the early college program, in which TSC pays for students to take classes at Purdue or Ivy Tech.
• End the practice of paying for students' AP exams.
• Reduce the size of high school departments and the number of courses offered.
• Substantially reduce summer school offerings.
• Eliminate or reduce the number of extended contracts or supplemental contracts for teachers who work beyond the school year.
• Reduce money paid for alternative education and adult education programs.
• Cut school supply budgets by 5 percent, on top of the 5 percent cut instituted in 2009.
Meranda Watling/mwatling@jconline.com
By Meranda Watling, Journal & Courier
School board members, administrators, teachers and others in the room Wednesday were silent and still as Susan DeLong read off the list of people and programs on the chopping block in the Tippecanoe School Corp.
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