Truth Staff 

The Elkhart County 211 call center reported a 23 percent increase in calls last year over 2007. The 211 help line received 9,339 calls in 2008.

The line is a service provided by the United Way of Elkhart County to connect people in need with social services that can help them.

The most common concerns the line handles are financial needs.

Lines across the country are reporting an increase in calls. Nationwide, total annual calls to 211 were up 44 percent last year over 2007. In Indiana, the increase was 40 percent.

Cindi Schnitz, director of the 211 call center, says she expects those numbers to keep increasing, but that she's confident the center's staff will be able keep up.

"The employees here can definitely handle an increase in calls," she said. "We welcome anybody that needs information ... hopefully we can get them pointed in the right direction."

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