By Daniel Friend, For the Pharos-Tribune

Low production levels have caused another another layoff at a Logansport manufacturing company.

Mike Winings, vice president of human resources for Small Parts Inc., said in an e-mail that "a much lower level of production requirements" had made the layoffs necessary.

"Our goal in managing through tough economic times like these is to assure that the business survives and to protect the well-being of as many of our people as possible," Winings wrote. "We remain optimistic about our future, but we are compelled to make some very tough decisions."

Winings did not specify how many employees were laid off, but he did say the layoffs "affected every department and function in the company."

Founded and headquartered in Logansport since 1958, Small Parts now owns four manufacturing locations, including two in Mexico. It produces metal stampings for electrical units, automotive purposes and consumer appliances.

Winings said the company anticipated seasonal increases in employment this spring and summer and general recovery in 2010.

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