The Post-Tribune

Gary Mayor Rudy Clay continues to use the words "inheritance" and "mismanagement" as he talks about the city's financial woes.

Clay says he has not mismanaged anything, but inherited a massive problem from former Mayor Scott King.

It's time for Clay to stop placing blame and fully address the problems. That's the mayor's job. Pointing fingers won't get anything done.

There is plenty of blame to go around for Gary's financial troubles. For instance:

* Several mayors over the years failed to cut the amount of city government as the population plummeted from almost 200,000 to less than 100,000 today.

* While some contend the tax cut the Legislature provided U.S. Steel almost a decade ago was too large, the fact is the city failed to reduce costs in response to the loss of property tax revenue.

* With breaks to U.S. Steel, the closure of many businesses and the exodus of much of the population, reassessment and property tax caps have had a negative impact on those who remain.

Rather than pointing fingers, what Clay needs to do is get together a plan to make immediate cuts without endangering public safety.

That's what Ryan Kitchell, chairman of the Indiana Distressed Unit Appeals Board, meant when he said, "The mayor proposed making cuts over a four-year period. Why wait until year three or four to cut something that could be cut today?"

The board surely will watch for that. If there are obsolete or unneeded departments, get rid of them. If two people can do the jobs of three, do so.

And one more thing, mayor. Get rid of the Hummer. It's not the cost, but the image.

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