Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly
Mayor Tom Henry wants a city referendum to settle the Fort Wayne casino issue.
City officials have been researching the gambling issue for several months after potential casino developers approached him about locating a casino in town. A bill also was introduced in the state legislature during the current session that would allow Hoosier Park in Anderson to move as many as 500 slot machines to its off-track betting facility at 1820 W. Washington Center Road. It did not receive any action in committee.
Henry said today the question is not his alone to answer, but a decision for the entire community.
The state legislature must approve the referendum in order for the city to allow residents to vote on the issue.
Ozzie Mitson, a spokesman for Henry, said it will be up to the legislature to decide the wording of the referendum question. He could not say whether it would ask a general question about casino gambling or be more specific.
Whether the referendum results would be binding also is a decision for the legislature, Mitson said.
Residents potentially could voice their opinion in a special election, Mitson said. The referendum also could go on the next regular election ballot, which would be in 2010.
Two city reports exploring the social and economic affects of a casino have yet to be released. Henry said in a statement full reports will be released shortly and some preliminary information already is in hand.
The state Legislative Services Agency estimated moving slot machines to Fort Wayne could generate $5.5 million to $6.5 million annually in local taxes that would be divided among the county and its municipalities on a per-capita basis.

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