The 27 projects, spread across 24 counties, total $44.5 million worth of road construction work. Two paving projects in Southwestern Indiana are included on the initial list.

In an announcement, outgoing INDOT Commissioner Karl Browning said the road construction industry told the state that the most people would be put to work if INDOT provided geographic diversity, maintained competitively sized bid packages and offered different types of projects.

One of the requirements of the federal stimulus legislation moving through Congress is that projects be ready to start within 90 to 180 days, depending on which version of the package is adopted.

The INDOT list released Saturday meets that criteria, Browning said.

The projects now are being advertised for bids, and the first bids will be opened Feb. 27 and awarded to the lowest bidder, according to INDOT.

Two of the announced projects are in the counties outlying Evansville. Both are asphalt overlay and preventive maintenance projects:

  • State Road 58 from the north junction with State Road 67 to State Road 57 in Knox and Daviess counties, between Westphalia and Elnora, Ind.

  • State Road 61 from 0.81 mile north of State Road 62 to just south of State Road 68 in Warrick County, between Boonville and Lynnville, Ind.

    INDOT said more projects to be funded through stimulus money will be announced later.

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