By Marilyn Odendahl, Truth Staff

HOWE -- Add Sun Valley Inc. to the list of recreational vehicle makers that have become causalities of the economy.

High fuel prices, tightening credit and a shrinking market combined to force Sun Valley to stop production and close permanently, according to minority owner Mark Romanetz.

"At this point, it's out of business indefinitely," he said.

The facility in the Fawn River Crossing industrial park was shuttered "just recently," Romanetz said, and the staff of "less than 20" workers was laid off. Sun Valley is not in bankruptcy but will be having a liquidation sale on Jan. 23. Proceeds from that event will go to paying debtors, Romanetz said.

The closure has caught some by surprise. Monday, the LaGrange County Chamber of Commerce started getting calls from Sun Valley customers, wanting to know what happened, said Jack Dold, executive director of the chamber.

Dold then drove out the plant and, finding no signs of activity, concluded the company had closed.

"It's just one of those doggone sad stories," Dold said. "The economy for RV people right now is pretty dismal."

Sun Valley was started in January 2000. In 2006, the company relocated operations from 1135 Kent St. in Elkhart to a 20-acre lot near the Indiana Toll Road in Howe. At its peak, the company employed just over 100 and produced travel trailers, fifth wheels, toy haulers and truck campers. During 2008, it has been shedding workers and completely stopped production some time ago, Romanetz said.

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