Joseph Malan, The News-Dispatch

MICHIGAN CITY - Mayor Chuck Oberlie hopes the city will receive $87 million in state and federal dollars this year to overhaul major transportation routes and water systems.

As part of a road and highway funding stimulus package written by Indiana House Democrats, Oberlie is requesting some of that money go toward reconstructing curbs, gutters and sidewalks needing major repair in Michigan City.

Also, a federal package being discussed in committee would provide money for the city to repair sanitary systems, storm sewers and provide extra funds for the city's water department.

"It's too difficult to tell at this point," said Oberlie on whether he expects to receive the $87 million the city needs.

Noting the federal package hasn't been voted on yet, he said it may take a while before he knows how much money to expect.

A Lafayette Street-Barker Avenue storm-sewer project, Oberlie said, will require $31 million alone.

Oberlie said he would rather receive the federal funds for the city's water system first, because the same sidewalks the city is requesting money for would have to be repaired anyway if those projects occur.

According to The Associated Press, Indiana House Democrats advanced the bill by a 7-5 vote Thursday from the House Roads and Transportation Committee. Gov. Mitch Daniels, however, had expressed displeasure with the bill and said it would cause the state to lose $700 million in federal highway money and cost the state jobs.

On Friday, Oberlie stressed the city's need to acquire the funds necessary to pursue the projects.

"There's no question we've got needs because of the age of our city," Oberlie said. "We can certainly spend (the money)."

The following city street projects have been submitted for state funds:

• Ohio Street, CSX Railroad to U.S. 20.

• Tryon Road, Karwick Road to Indiana 212.

• Warnke Road, U.S. 35 to Indiana 212.

• East Michigan Boulevard Project, U.S. 12 to Carroll Avenue.

• Coolspring Avenue.

• Neighborhood projects in Elston Grove, Eastport-Krueger neighborhoods.

• West side of the city.

State funds would help repair and restore curbs, gutters and sidewalks at the above locations.

Associated Press reports were used in this article.
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