Times of Northwest Indiana
MERRILLVILLE | What will Northwest Indiana be like in the future?
Hundreds of residents will have an opportunity to help shape that future Dec. 6.
A "21st century town meeting" at the Radisson Hotel in Merrillville will feature discussion and keypad voting on issues participants believe are important to the region's future.
Sponsored by the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission, the public forum is the first step in a two-year process to establish a long-range regional plan.
The public forum will give residents a direct say in setting priorities for the next 30 years in areas ranging from transportation to the environment and land use. The public is urged to register at www.nirpc.org/futureNWI.htm or by calling (219) 762-2653.
AmericaSpeaks, a Washington-based public opinion organization, is scheduled to facilitate the forum. AmericaSpeaks has assisted numerous communities in the United States, including New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and New York City following the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
John Swanson, executive director of NIRPC, said the forum will bring people together from all walks of life and all parts of Porter, LaPorte and Lake counties.
The free forum, which is scheduled to run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., will include breakfast and lunch.
In a prepared release, NIRPC said, "This is an opportunity to voice your opinion on the issues that matter most to you. The information and opinions you provide will directly impact the plans that will shape the future of our region."

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