There were no lit fuses when the Vanderburgh County Commissioners voted on first reading Tuesday to reinstate exemptions for bars, taverns, businesses and clubs in the county's smoking ban.

In a room that was crowded but not filled to capacity as it had been when another group of commissioners passed the smoking ban in 2006, the new members voted as they stated they would.

Several residents spoke, but this time no one raised his voice or threatened political retribution.

Democrats Troy Tornatta and Steve Melcher voted to reinstate the smoking ban's exemptions, which had expired four days earlier. Republican Lloyd Winnecke voted against it. A yes vote on second reading Tuesday would mean final passage.

"On an even playing field, that is where I am sitting at this time - and that is to put Evansville and Vanderburgh County on an even playing field and keep an open mind," said Tornatta, who was voted Tuesday as president of the commissioners.

Tornatta said he was speaking for several business owners in the county who believed that they would be at a competitive disadvantage with businesses in the city, which passed a smoking ban in 2006 with exemptions that do not expire.

"If there is a group, or the city wants to entertain (a new city-county smoking ban), they can gladly come to the county," he said. "I think they've got the support of the rest of the businesses that are seeking exemption."

Winnecke cited concerns about the dangers of secondhand smoke and the possible impact on economic development efforts.

"Site selectors who work for industries and businesses that are looking to move companies look for progressive communities that are conscious about their health and well-being," he said.

"I think we should not vote on this at this time. I think we should sit down with our colleagues on the City Council ... and figure out just how close the city is to moving to our standard," Winnecke said.

But Melcher, who was on the City Council before his November election as a county commissioner, said that isn't likely - even with the presence of smoking ban supporters H. Dan Adams and Wendy Knipe Bredhold now on that body.

"I don't think that the City Council is ready to move," he said. "... I think the City Council's going to end up staying where they're at."

Smoker states his case

Some of the seven people who spoke at Tuesday's meeting made impassioned pleas, but American Legion Post 8 Commander Gene Maxwell was the only person who rose to speak for expanded smokers' rights.

"These gentlemen and ladies have served their country well," Maxwell said. "They were given cigarettes in their rations, most of those World War II veterans. They pay dues to this organization, they own the building, they think it's theirs, and they would like to be able to come in, smoke a cigarette, have a beer and tell lies about their war experiences."

But 26-year-old Jimmy Funkhouser said he scarcely could believe the County Commissioners were talking about rolling back an anti-smoking ordinance.

"With all due respect to anyone that may smoke in the room, I'm really asking you to do nothing more than stand up, remove yourself from the room and go outside and smoke," Funkhouser said. "Common decency.

"... I understand the conservative argument about controlling businesses from the government, but if I were to walk into a restaurant and start a campfire at the table and smoke everybody out, you might have an issue with it."

Not all tavern owners in the county are pushing for smoking on their premises. Deb Schneider, co-owner of the Hornville Tavern on Baseline Road, said before Tuesday's meeting that her establishment has been completely smoke-free for two years and has thrived with new customers who used to stay away.

"We haven't lost any business at all," Schneider said. "In fact, it's gone the other direction. People come in and say, 'It's so nice here,' or, 'We're glad you did this.'

"We haven't lost the smokers, either. The bar crowd will just go outside to smoke and come back in. It's no big deal."

If the County Commissioners vote yes on second reading next week, they will do so against the wishes of the Vanderburgh County Board of Health.

On Dec. 11, the board passed a resolution asking the new commissioners to allow the county smoking ban's exemptions to expire and "bring about 100 percent smoke-free workplaces."

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