By Marilyn Odendahl, Truth Staff

Since November 2007, the unemployment rate in Elkhart County has nearly tripled, putting more than 12,817 out of work.

In November 2008, the county's unemployment reached 12.4 percent, according to figures released today from the Indiana Department of Workforce Development. This rate tops the 10.7 percent recorded in October and is almost three times the 4.5 percent reported one year ago.

Both the state and national unemployment rates climbed as well. Indiana jumped to 6.8 percent in November from 6.0 in October while the country rose to 6.5 percent from 6.1 percent.

The city of Elkhart posted a November unemployment of 14.0 percent, up from the 6.0 percent recorded in November 2007.

The city of Goshen also saw an increase in unemployment. November pushed the rate to 12.3 percent, up from the 4.2 percent one year ago.

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