Justin Rehwinkel (left) and Steve Allen of W.G. Gentry Co. Tank Installation and Pump Repair look over piping Wednesday for the new E85 and biodiesel pumps. The alternative fuels will soon be available in Reynolds. By Andrew Hancock/Journal & Courier
Justin Rehwinkel (left) and Steve Allen of W.G. Gentry Co. Tank Installation and Pump Repair look over piping Wednesday for the new E85 and biodiesel pumps. The alternative fuels will soon be available in Reynolds. By Andrew Hancock/Journal & Courier

By RICK BRUNER, For the Journal & Courier

REYNOLDS -- In a town on the leading edge in the development of alternative sources of energy, even the BP gas station, Reynolds' lone service station, is part of the plan.

Recently bought by Good Oil Inc. of Winamac, the station is undergoing a $300,000 renovation and upgrade so it can provide B20, BioDiesel and E85 fuels.

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