Barry Lewis, The Paper of Montgomery County Community Editor

A possible $100 million expansion of the Cargill facility in Linden cleared its first hurdle at this morning’s Drainage Board meeting in the courthouse. A total of 50 jobs could be created in the expansion.

Cargill is looking to become a minority investor for ethanol production near one of its facilities. Linden is one of three finalists. The other two possible sites are Albion, Neb., and Bloomingburg, Ohio.

"We are hoping to have a formal announcement within the next two weeks," Peter Schram, Farm Service Group Leader of Greater Indiana, said. Scram works for Cargill.

Schram appeared in front of the Montgomery County Drainage Board to discuss the James Gobin Ditch No. 2 which currently runs just to the west of Cargill’s facility.

"We are just here to discuss the possibility of moving the ditch should we choose Linden," Schram said. "We own more than 100 acres to the west of the facility and currently the ditch runs right through that site. We are here to make sure that everything is done right. We want to make sure than by moving it, it wouldn’t be a hardship for someone else."

Cargill would relocate the drain on its property at its own expense.

The board approved his request.

According to Schram, Cargill has been in contact with all the necessary state and local authorities and are in the middle of due diligence. "We are just trying to make sure all the "I"s are dotted and the "T"s are crossed."

Schram said the project is moving along, but still has a ways to go.

"We are waiting to hear back from the state on some funding and trying to get all the capital in line," he said.

"When that happens we should be able to make a formal announcement."

Schram also said there would likely be one or two public meetings to discuss the issues of such a facility coming into a community.

"That’s just something we like to do," Schram said. "In order for this to be a successful venture we have to have the community’s support. Our goal is to come in and do everything right."

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