Starr Shuppert, Rushville Republican Staff Writer

Rush County will soon be host to a state-of-the art, 60 million gallon per year ethanol manufacturing facility; the announcement was made Monday morning to a crowded Council Chambers, where representatives from city, county and state government, as well as Rush Renewable Energy (RRE), who will man the project, explained the details of the $82 million facility.

Rush County ECDC executive director Greg Griffin introduced the press conference and explained that ECDC, working in conjunction with Indiana Economic Development Corp., will locate the facility on land located between CR 200N and 300N on SR 3.

The facility will create new jobs for Rush County residents, a positive factor that RRE says will likely result in the hiring and maintaining of approximately 36 direct employees. They estimate that 123 jobs will be created in the community.

Bob Reiling, who represented RRE, explained that the median income for the estimated 36 direct employees will be $45,000, valued at a total $60,000 with a benefit package.

“This plant will consume 20 million plus bushels of corn. We will use all of your corn in this community and then some,” Reiling said, adding that RRE is a new company formed by two large existing companies and a group of Indiana investors.

“We are excited about the opportunity to do business in Rushville and we look forward to being part of the community. We are also committed to promoting the energy independence of the United States while providing a clean burning alternative to gasoline,” he said.

The project is a direct result of a collaboration between ECDC, IEDC, City of Rushville and Rush County officials, state and local leaders, Rush County Chamber of Commerce and the Rush County Ag Roundtable.

Greg Hall, who co-chairs the Rush County Ag Roundtable, explained the importance of the project to that group’s initiatives for the region.

“As a roundtable, we have developed a strategic plan for ag economic development of both Rush County and the Southeastern Indiana Region,” he said. “The plan covers the four strategic initiative areas that all relate together. The announcement of the ethanol plant project for Rushville definitely puts a very important cornerstone of the overall plan in place.”

Biofuels, which is one of the initiatives included in Gov. Mitch Daniels “Possibilities Unbound: The Plan for 2025, Indiana’s Agriculture’s Strategic Plan” will be responsible for the revitalizing of Indiana’s economy.

The other parts of the plan include confined livestock operations, food processing and research and development.

“This project will provide good paying jobs for Rush County and potentially could result in many related new business endeavors,” Griffin said. “In addition, it represents a significant first step in implementing the Agriculture Strategy for Rush County that was announced at Farm and Field Day last July—and is a good fit for the community.”

Others who spoke on behalf of the new facility included Rush County Commissioners President Tom Barnes, Rush County Council President Norm Winkler, ECDC president and City of Rushville Council President Mike Pavey, Ken Klemme from the Indiana Department of Agriculture, and Mayor Bob Bridges.

“The City of Rushville is delighted to welcome Rush Renewable Energy to our community. This project is the culmination of several months of dedication by representatives of city, county, state, economic development and private enterprise,” Bridges said. Pavey agreed.

“I am elated. I think we were able to attract a company that will be a very valuable corporate citizen, far beyond the production of ethanol,” Pavey said. “I must add that I was very proud to have witnessed our local leadership working for what was ultimately best for the community as a whole. This is a great holiday gift and I hope this is the start of a new attitude and energy for our community.”

According to ECDC, RRE will start the process of obtaining the appropriate construction and air permits the first of 2006; the city will also start the process of annexing the land and rezoning it for industrial use. Construction on the new facility will begin as soon as the required air and construction permits are obtained.

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