Rachell McCracken of the Anderson Leadership Academy class applies blue paint to the county bicentennial mural on Eighth Street.  Staff photo by Ken de la Bastide | The Herald Bulletin
Rachell McCracken of the Anderson Leadership Academy class applies blue paint to the county bicentennial mural on Eighth Street. Staff photo by Ken de la Bastide | The Herald Bulletin

ANDERSON — Community members have started the process of painting a Bicentennial Committee legacy project in downtown Anderson.

The mural depicting several scenes throughout Madison County was a project of the Leadership Academy of Madison County class of 2023.

The mural is being painted on the southside of the parking garage at the former Star Bank building along Eighth Street.

Olivia Willard, who has designed and painted 20 murals in the community, worked with the class on the design.

The mural is 90 feet long and 13 feet high and the goal is to have it completed by Thanksgiving.

“The design came about through a very loose brainstorming meeting,” Willard said. “It started with a digital design.”

The mural includes a barn with the Bicentennial Committee logo, the former county courthouse, flowers, agricultural drawing, White River, basketball and auto racing, Mounds State Park, Hoosier Park and the first car produced by General Motors.

“The goal was to portray Madison County,” Willard said.

Tim Lanane, chairman of the Bicentennial Committee said the mural is one of three Legacy projects in Madison County.

He said murals are being painted in Pendleton and Elwood.

“The Legacy projects have had several components to have a long-lasting impact on the community,” Lanane said.

Clayton Whitson, director of the Madison County Chamber of Commerce said the committee wanted to encourage public art.

Jesse Reynolds, executive director of the Leadership Academy said each class develops a community class project.

“They wanted to beautify Madison County,” he said. “This is reflective of their effort.”

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