Staff graphic by Stewart Moon
Staff graphic by Stewart Moon
HUNTINGBURG — Counties in southwestern Indiana are using the Interstate 69 extension as a catalyst for discussion about transformative change in the regional economy.

The soon-to-open highway between Evansville and Crane was the impetus for the gathering Monday in the Dubois County community of Huntingburg, but there was little mention of interchanges or overpasses. Instead, much of the discussion dealt with obstacles to advancement in the 11 counties of southwestern Indiana and how the interstate presented a chance to address them. Among the challenges cited were Internet connectivity and broadband capacity, infrastructure investment, regional collaboration and slowing the exodus of the area’s best and brightest young adults to areas that offer better economic prospects.

“This is the opportunity of a lifetime to take full advantage of I-69,” Indiana Lt. Gov.-elect Sue Ellspermann told the approximately 50 people gathered at the Huntingburg Events Center. “It is so important that we move forward quickly.”

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