MARION — A $1.8 million project will build a new bike trial through the city, starting at the 10th Street Cardinal Greenway trailhead.

“Ultimately, this is here to connect the city of Marion,” Mayor Ronald Morrell Jr. said. “The entire city will be connected to our River Walk downtown, through Matter Park.”

The groundbreaking ceremony took place Thursday afternoon.

According to a press release, the entire project is $1,828,659. The city received $640,684 (a 20 percent match) from the Department of Natural Resources. Indiana Wesleyan University also collaborated with the city on a grant application, and the city also received $548,580 from the Lilly Endowment.

The press release also said that the remainder of the money will be coming from the Marion Redevelopment Commission and the city.

The project consists of a bike trail starting at the 10th Street trailhead, moving East along 10th Street to Boots Street. It will then run North to 9th Street, and then East from 9th to Washington Street. It will then run North along Washington to 7th Street near the Marion library.

Morrell said the project will make the city more accessible and will also give Marion residents more access to go outside and exercise.

“It encourages people to go outside and to enjoy the fresh air while we can,” Morrell said.

Morrell thanked everyone who was apart of this project. Indiana Wesleyan University, the Cardinal Greenway, the contractors, City Director of Engineering and the Traffic Department Mike Graft and the council people who worked hard to help see this through.

“Everybody worked hard to make this happen. This was a big vision and a big deal for our city of Marion to make sure everybody can be connected,” Morrell said.

The City Connect project is planned to be completed by the fall of this year.
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