The new section of I-69 opened in November between U.S. 231 near Crane, Ind. and Evansville, Ind. Construction is beginning to build the section from here north to Ind. 37 at Bloomington. David Snodgress | Herald-Times
The new section of I-69 opened in November between U.S. 231 near Crane, Ind. and Evansville, Ind. Construction is beginning to build the section from here north to Ind. 37 at Bloomington. David Snodgress | Herald-Times
The Indiana Department of Transportation is considering public-private partnerships as a way to finance and build Section 5 of I-69, which is planned to run along Ind. 37 from southwest of Bloomington to Morgan County.

The agency announced Tuesday that it was asking private sector engineers, contractors and financial experts for ideas to “reduce the cost and acceleratethe construction of Interstate 69 Section 5.” That project involves upgrades to Ind. 37 between Bloomington and Martinsville. It has an estimated cost of $500 million.

INDOT spokesman Will Wingfield said the state wants feedback on the cost and time savings that might result from bundling several phases of work into one or two contracts that would be awarded to a single company or a team of companies.

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