Emergency Manager Steve Edwards talks to the public and the board about business involving the district during the monthly meeting of the Muncie Community School Board on Jan. 9 at the Muncie Area Career Center. Staff photo by Corey Ohlenkamp
Emergency Manager Steve Edwards talks to the public and the board about business involving the district during the monthly meeting of the Muncie Community School Board on Jan. 9 at the Muncie Area Career Center. Staff photo by Corey Ohlenkamp
MUNCIE — Debbie Feick, president of the Muncie Community School Board, called a board meeting to order on Tuesday night.

She then called for a moment of silence, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

After that, the board continued to remain silent for most of the meeting as state-appointed emergency manager Steve Edwards took over the agenda.

He explained that from now on, he will adopt, authorize and approve or deny everything on the board's agenda. Thus, the board will no longer need to make any motions or vote on anything on the agenda. That will continue to be the case until further notice from the state, perhaps for two years or more, because of the school district's inability to achieve financial stability on its own.

Normally, the board's first order of business in the new year is reorganization, or election of officers. Instead, Edwards took care of that business, reappointing Debbie Feick as president, Andy Warrner as vice president, and Kat Carey as secretary.

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