The Indiana State Department of Health on Friday reported 2,519 new COVID-19 cases, the third-highest number reported so far in the daily report.
The department said the seven-day moving average for cases hit an all-time high of 2,045.
The state reported 27 new deaths due to COVID-19. Newly reported deaths have been in double digits 16 times over the past 18 days. The state has reported 205 new deaths over the past seven days, an average of 29.3 per day. That’s up from 120, or 17.1 per day, the previous week.
Hospitalizations due to COVID-19 rose again, hitting 1,548 as of Thursday. The latest number is the highest since May 4.
The department reported the testing of 11,575 more unique individuals, the fourth time testing has surpassed 11,000 over the last eight days.
The state’s seven-day positivity rate for unique individuals rose from 12.9% to 13%.
COVID-19 cases
*New cases: 2,519
Total cumulative cases reported Friday: 157,713
Total cumulative cases reported Thursday: 155,246
Increase in cumulative cases: 2,467
Increase in cases reported Sept. 1-Oct. 1: 26,285
Increase in cases reported Aug. 1-Sept. 1: 27,769
Increase in cases reported July 1-Aug. 1: 21,170
Increase in cases reported June 1-July 1: 11,122
Increase in cases reported May 1-June. 1: 16,065
COVID-19 deaths
New deaths: 27
Total deaths: 3,858
Increase in deaths reported Sept. 1-Oct. 1: 325
Increase in deaths reported Aug. 1-Sept. 1: 322
Increase in deaths reported July 1-Aug. 1: 315
Increase in deaths reported June 1-July 1: 480
Increase in deaths reported May 1-June. 1: 914
Increase in deaths reported April 1-May 1: 997
COVID-19 testing
New tested individuals: 11,575
Total cumulative tested individuals reported Friday: 1,605,596
Total cumulative tested individuals reported Thursday: 1,594,365
Increase in cumulative tested individuals: 11,231
Cumulative positivity rate unique individuals: 9.8%
Seven-day positivity rate unique individuals: 13%**
Cumulative positivity rate all tests: 5.8%
Seven-day positivity rate all tests: 6.9%**
Increase in unique tested individuals reported Sept. 1-Oct. 1: 303,966
Increase in unique tested individuals reported Aug. 1-Sept. 1: 325,159
Increase in unique tested individuals reported July 1-Aug. 1: 268,890
Increase in unique tested individuals reported June 1-July 1: 223,820
Increase in unique tested individuals reported May 1-June 1: 166,257
Increase in unique tested individuals reported April 1-May 1: 85,264
** The health department reports the 7-day positivity rates with a six-day lag to allow time for more comprehensive results.
County numbers
Marion County cumulative cases: 25,392 (increase of 246)
Marion County new deaths: 4
Marion County cumulative deaths: 789
Marion County 7-day positivity rate unique individuals: 11.4%
Hamilton County cumulative cases: 6,215
Hendricks County cumulative cases: 3,302
Johnson County cumulative cases: 3,151
Madison County cumulative cases: 2,405
Boone County cumulative cases: 1,245
Hancock County cumulative cases: 1,199
Morgan County cumulative cases: 948
Shelby County cumulative cases: 835
Indiana intensive care unit usage
Available ICU beds: 30.8%
ICU beds in use by COVID-19 patients: 20.2%
Available ventilators: 77.9%
Ventilators in use for COVID-19: 5.4%
U.S. and worldwide numbers
As of Friday, from Johns Hopkins University:
U.S. cases: 8,424,583
U.S. deaths: 223,226
Global cases: 41,866,558
Global deaths: 1,139,296
*New cases, deaths and tests are previously unreported cases, deaths and tests submitted to the Indiana State Health Department in the 24 hours through 11:59 p.m. the previous day. The cases and testing categories typically contain numerous duplicates—as many as 20% or more—that are later eliminated from the cumulative totals.