The Indiana Department of Transportation has a lot of explaining to do between now and Oct. 5. That’s when the state agency is supposed to respond to questions sent its way by members of the Bloomington/Monroe County Metropolitan Planning Organization about the Interstate 69 project.
A thick packet of 109 queries were electronically dispatched to INDOT Wednesday morning. The list included some familiar questions, such as several that asked in various ways: How does the state propose to pay to complete I-69 to Indianapolis?
New lines of inquiry also were suggested, such as the following interrogatory that referenced several well-traveled bridges in the state that have been closed due to structural deficiencies: “What is the net economic impact (of I-69) (subtracting out any economic activity shifted from other parts of the state) compared with the net economic impact of repairing the aforementioned bridges along with the over 400 bridges that currently have the same structural rating that the bridge in Minnesota had before its collapse?”
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