WASHINGTON — The Indiana Department of Transportation awarded the city of Washington a $2.03 million grant to build a new intersection connecting Old U.S. 50 and the newer U.S. 50 Bypass. The intersection will be closer to the I-69 exchange east of the city and allow safer, easier ingress and egress from the interstate.

“It’s a great day for Washington,” said Mayor Larry Haag at a press conference announcing the grant. “This is just the first step to create jobs — jobs, jobs, jobs — it’s all about jobs.”

He said the intersection will be a new gateway into Washington and Daviess County and will open hundreds of acres to development on either side. The mayor envisioned big-box stores, restaurants and other businesses springing up in the area, providing local employment. He said there have been numerous inquiries from businesses and industries about the potential for growth with I-69 coming through the county.

“It opens up the industrial area on the north side of the railroad tracks and the green space around it,” said Ron Arnold, executive director of the Daviess County Economic Development Corp. “But the main goal is safety and easy on, easy off I-69.”

Haag said the grant will help pay for design, environmental and right-of-way work. Future grants are expected to pay for the actual construction.

Haag said the target date for completion will be sometime in 2013.
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