HealthStar Partners — an alliance of Hancock Health, NineStar Connect, and Pride Investment Partners — announced on Wednesday morning that they have acquired the Elanco campus.

The announcement comes just over three and a half years after Elanco, at the time one of the largest employers in Greenfield, announced that it was constructing a new headquarters in downtown Indianapolis.

Elanco’s lease of the campus will stay intact through 2027, and the only concrete plans for the facility announced so far by HealthStar Partners were a medical office building and wellness center for Hancock Health, which the organization’s CEO and president Steve Long says the organization was already looking to establish.

“The main objective is to make sure the land stays with companies that are invested in this community and what happens here,” Pride Investment brand marketing and purchasing director Tiffany Cring said. “This land is important to the community, so [HealthStar Partners] wanted to ensure that something that does go there in the future makes sense for the community.”

Cring went on to say that the three companies have worked closely together in the past, making this partnership a natural fit. Michael Burrow, president & CEO of NineStar Connect, echoed those thoughts.

“When this opportunity presented itself, it was a no-brainer,” Burrow said. “We couldn’t be more excited for this opportunity and what it presents for the future.”

Local ownership of the facility was a common theme amongst the alliance, with Cring specifically mentioning the fear of a firework distribution center moving into the campus. All three CEO’s mentioned the impact the facility has had on the community.

“Elanco has been an incredible asset to our community, and we are pleased that ownership and occupancy of the campus will remain local so we can ensure future development of the property enhances and supports the vision of Greenfield and Hancock County,” Long said.

The area is currently zoned as a business park, which is a flexible designation which could require conditional use approval for specific uses, including medical use, but would most likely not require the campus as a whole to be rezoned, per the Greenfield planning and building department.

With about three years before Elanco’s lease is up, HealthStar Partners has said it will “thoroughly review and plan future development opportunities for the property” before any further action is made.
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