Thad Lewis, Connersville News-Examiner

Orange and Alquina schools will be closed when the 2011-2012 school year starts. The Fayette County School Board voted 5-2 Thursday to take the action.

About 40 people packed the meeting room in the school administration building. Four people spoke against the proposal during 20 minutes of public comment.

“This wasn’t about money at first,” said Gary Breitenbach. “Now it is about money. The Committee of 21 felt like this is moving fast.”

The closing of Orange and Alquina is not in the best interest of the community, David Gettinger said.

“This is a very emotional for everyone involved. I have been threatened, I have lost business over this decision and I will probably lose more. I think this is the best thing for the Fayette County School Corporation as a whole,” said board President Dale Thomas.