Halsey Berryman puts the final touches on a flower June 1 while working on a mural on the Cardinal Spirits building at 922 S. Morton St., next to the B-Line Trail. (Rich Janzaruk / Herald-Times)
Halsey Berryman puts the final touches on a flower June 1 while working on a mural on the Cardinal Spirits building at 922 S. Morton St., next to the B-Line Trail. (Rich Janzaruk / Herald-Times)
Those walking down the B-Line Trail may notice a new message on a wall of Cardinal Spirits: “When we have each other, we have everything.”

Halsey Berryman, a freelance artist, designed the mural in April to remind people about one of the most important aspects of life as the coronavirus pandemic continued to spread.

“I really wanted to do something for the community during the pandemic about how people should value this time in quarantine and take it seriously, but also not forget what it’s like to miss the social and personal aspects of life, like missing the family, missing their friends, by making that sacrifice for the common good,” Berryman said.

A native of Washington, D.C., Berryman said she missed her friends and family, who all live on the East Coast, even more while socially distancing with her wife in Bloomington. Though they will be moving out of town this summer, she is glad to have left such a mark on a community that she sees as having the same values as her diverse hometown.

“The biggest word of the year is ‘essential.’ And the essential things about life are those very core connections,” she said.
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