MUNCIE — Delaware County Council, meet can of worms. Can of worms, county council.
Citing increasing law enforcement action against meth and heroin, the county's fiscal body on Tuesday jumped into a debate over adding new employees to the staff of the county sheriff, prosecutor and ambulance service.
The debate — which wasn't on council's agenda for funding and thus couldn't result in official appropriation — came after council considered funding the hiring of a new secretary in the county's juvenile probation court.
"I don't doubt you need help," council member Mike Jones told Delaware Circuit Court 2 Judge Kimberly Dowling and Amanda Yonally, juvenile court magistrate. "The drug problem here in Delaware County is draining the county. The sheriff, because of the escalating heroin problem, needs help. The prosecutor needs help."
Council ultimately approved the juvenile court position, while Jones' effort to win at least a vote of confidence for funding new positions in public safety and prosecution received only two votes, from him and Kevin Nemyer.
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